Our Giveaways
Create big or small giveaways with cloe add required roles or a specific
message count with cloe's unique giveaway system
can you create giveaways according to your wishes.
Create big or small giveaways with cloe add required roles or a specific
message count with cloe's unique giveaway system
can you create giveaways according to your wishes.
You can set a custom description, embed color or image to your giveaway message.
You can really fast and completly userfriendly manage your Giveaways per buttons.
With our Giveaway system you can
create a giveaway with many settings like need to be a booster
or need a specific amount
of messages, xp, level, join date or creation date.
a Full Demonstarion of the Giveaway System
Set up Cloe and build the best community Discord Server without any other bots in minutes